Tuesday, August 14, 2007

spam i am...not


I'm grateful I didn't send out the following email to everyone in my address book, like I was this close to doing. Instead, along with today's photo, I'm distributing a simple email announcing my new Gmail address and the arrival of my new website.

I'm still not comfortable with the hard sell.

The email I'm glad I didn't send out today:

God I hate spam. I mean, what a pain in the ass, right?

Not that I consider this spam, but…I was even more reluctant to send this thing after reading this story on how workers are stressing from email overload.

Which is why I don't want to BE spam. I don't want to SEND spam. I don't even want to EAT Spam.

Then I thought, this isn't EXACTLY spam. This is better than spam. It's friendly spam. Healthy spam if it is, indeed, spam at all…which I don't think it is. (We're all friends here, right?)

What's the point of all this?

The point is, while worrying about whether this kind of message would be considered spam, I've been denying you of the possibility that I might make you happy.

How might I make you happy, you ask?

Well, you know all that video and all those photos stored away in crowded closets, old boxes and overworked hard drives?

Wouldn't you love to have the time and/or ability to take the best pictures, the classic shots, the perfect moments and put them into one single solitary work of art?
Art?! you snicker.
Maybe, I say.

Worst case scenario, you get a DVD your family will be coming back to for years. A guaranteed smile.

I can take footage from your vacation and make it into something like this or this.

Throwing a birthday party for your kid? What kid wouldn't love a cool music video starring…the birthday boy or girl? Like this tribute I made to my hilarious 4-year-old nephew Jack-o.

Want a heart-tugging record of your kid's 1st soccer game? 1st piano recital? 1st pee-wee football game? Check out this video I made of Jack-o's 1st T-ball game.

I've also made time capsule videos for everyone from a woman who wanted to surprise her mother at Mom's 75th birthday party to a season recap for my 11-year-old niece's softball team. From a pair of tear-inducing wedding videos to my 9-year-old nephew's talent show.

The reason you're getting this email today is because I'm trying to raise money to complete these projects over the next several months. Making memorable, personlized “films” feels like one of the most effective, most gratifying ways to make that happen.

Let me know if you’re interested. If not, no big deal. Never hurts to ask. Or, ask and it is given. Either way, thanks for listening.

Oh, yeah. I have a new email address: 13bob13@gmail.com. (Phasing out the far inferior Hotmail!)

I started a new website, too.


Different look. Lots of new features. Check it out.

Hope you’re having a bitchin’ summer.

Big love,

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